About These Maps

Select a species from the map controls. Click on the center of a point to see a simple summary of avian observations at that location by year. Click within a summary area to see observations summarized for that area.

Choose a Species

Data Collection
Shorebird/Raptor Observations (Mar–Jun)
Shorebird/Raptor Observations (Nov–Feb)

Choose the Area to Summarize
by State/Province (Canada/US/Mexico)
by Country
Shorebird observation legend
1 - 10
11 - 100
101 - 1000
1001 - 10000
10001 - 50000
50000 +

The data map summarizes shorebird and raptor observations recorded as part of the Migratory Shorebird Project, the Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey, the British Columbia Coastal Waterbird Survey, the Peru Shorebird Atlas and the Chile Shorebird Atlas.

Scaled circles in the map indicate the average number of birds counted at that the sampling unit across all surveys without accounting for variation in the size of sampling units. These data summaries should not be considered a rigorous assessment, but rather general indicators of abundance and distribution of individual species and taxa. Only shorebirds and raptors are always recorded across all survey locations, so data from other taxa should be considered incomplete.

Disclaimer Statement: The data map should be used for exploratory purposes only. Point Blue Conservation Science and its partners are not responsible and shall not be held liable for any use of these data. Complete data sets for rigorous scientific analyses are available upon request.