Citizen Scientists App Retired

After 15+ years of service, the Citizen Scientists app has now been retired. This app was originally created to make it easier for volunteers to participate in bird surveys by entering their data in a simplified online platform. While we have over a decade of survey data successfully entered into our system using this tool, it's been suffering from various security vulnerabilities these past few years. Our best efforts to keep this tool patched and secure were not enough. We ultimately determined our security strategy for this app would not be sustainable into the future and that we should instead invest in other options to support this type of data collection.

The engineering team will work with the bird survey team in the coming months to modify our main data entry app in a way that can accommodate their data entry requirements. We hope that this move will help consolidate our technologies while still providing the tools needed to have successful, annual bird surveys.

Point Blue would like to thank all of the volunteers across the decades of surveys for their dedication to our conservation goals and support for this app.

For those who still need immediate access to our data entry app, please visit