New EADC User Registration

Please follow the seven (7) step process below to signup for a user account with MyEADC. When you see below, click on it to get more information about that field.

Step 1 -    Enter your name and email address. Your email address will be your user name when you log into the EADC applications.
*First Name
*Last Name
*Email Address
*Reenter your Email Address
Step 2 -    Enter a password or an OpenID for logging into your account (not both). If you don't know what an OpenID is, enter a password.
Your New Password
Confirm Your New Password
Your OpenId
OpenID icon
  Go here to find out more information about OpenID iconOpenIDs and where to get one.
Step 3 -    Next, provide additional information about yourself.
*Your Organization
Phone Number
Step 4 -    See if the organization you work for is listed below. This will determine the visual style for your application. If your organization isn't listed below, select Default.
*Choose your organization or Default
Step 5 -    Enter the project code for the project you want to join (i.e. HTLN). This field is required. Contact the specific Project Leader for your project if you do not know it.
*Project you wish to join
Step 6 -    Enter any comment that will help us in processing your request.
Additional message
Step 7 -    Finally, verify you are a human being (taxonomically speaking, Homo sapiens).
Confirm you are a
real human being