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Rockfish Cruises (NOAA & PRBO)
CalCOFI Cruises (SIO & NOAA)
Cordell Bank Oceanographic Monitoring Program
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The Applied California Current Ecosystem Studies (ACCESS) is an ongoing collaboration between PRBO Conservation Science, Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuaries. PRBO Conservation Science, Cordell Bank and Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary staff needs to be credited in any works in which the ACCESS data are used. If you are interested in using the data in a publication, please contact Jaime Jahncke at jjahncke@pointblue.org. For additional data requests or to develop a research collaboration with the ACCESS Partnership contact Jaime Jahncke at jjahncke@pointblue.org.

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose a data source and the time period you are interested in, then choose a species. The map will redraw, indicating locations where the selected species was found. You can click on a point to get more information about it, or click within the polygons to get density estimates within the shaded National Marine Sanctuary boundaries.