
Ross Sea MPA Workshop, La Jolla, March 2012

A workshop was held to further the establishment and development of a management and monitoring plan for the Ross Sea MPA by identifying significant uncertainties concerning the effects of climate change and the Antarctic toothfish fishery on the Ross Sea Marine Ecosystem. View the presentations given at the workshop and download the workshop report prepared by H.T. Harvey and Associates.

View Presentations

Download workshop report

Biological Conservation Article 2012

Download models published in our 2012 Biological Conservation journal article: "Coexistence of Mesopredators in an intact polar ocean ecosystem: The basis for defining a Ross Sea marine protected area".

Download results and data

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Report to CCAMLR 2010

View and download models presented in our 2010 report: "Ross Sea Bioregionalization, Part II: Patterns of Co-occurrence of mesopredators in an intact polar ocean ecosystem. Report to the Working Group on Ecosystem Monitoring and Management of the Commission for the Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources."

View interactive maps of model inputs and results

Download results and data

Download report to CCAMLR


Funding for this work provided by the Lenfest Ocean Program and the National Science Foundation (grants OPP-0440643 and ANT-0944411).