The following is a list of decision-support resources that can be used to help a number of audiences, including state and federal agencies, universities and researchers, industry/developers, conservation organizations and the general public learn more about birds, including information about their range, breeding time-frame, diet and commonly used  habitats, where they currently occur and in what quantities, as well as their predicted status and trends in the future. Many of these are interactive tools that allow the user to specify certain query parameters depending on the species and region of interest. These tools may be particularly useful for project siting or prioritizing areas for conservation for particular species. However, they also provide some interesting information for those just interested in learning more about birds in particular areas. To see some of the potential uses of these tools for different audiences, please visit the AKN User Examples page. To see a more extensive list of resources offered through the AKN, please visit the AKN Site Map.


Bird Profiles

Access Bird Photos and Information About Life History, ID Information, Diet, Commonly Used Habitats, and More

Bird Presence and Abundance

Use These Tools to Find Out Where Birds Are Occurring, in What Quantities, and What Times of the Year

Important Bird Habitat

Use These Tools to Find Out Where Important Bird Habitats and Areas Are Located

Predicted Bird Distributions

Use These Tools to View Predicted Bird Distributions

Predicted Changes in Bird Distributions

Use These Tools to See How Changes in Habitat and Climate Might Impact Certain Birds

Bird Status and Population Information

Use These Tools and Plans to View Status and Population Information for Birds

House and Analyze Your Data in AKN 

Add Your Data to Improve Tools, Manage Records and Get Access to Analyst Tools to Look at Patterns and Trends in Your Data

Do It Yourself Analysis

Obtain/Download Raw Data

Other Helpful Tools

Use These Tools to Look at Other Important Information About Your Area of Interest