Recommendations for Incorporating Migratory Bird Considerations into Environmental Reviews
Developed by the Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds
This guidance, currently under development, will provide information on how to incorporate considerations for the conservation and protection of migratory birds into existing environmental review processes, such as National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). It may also apply to other types of review processes relevant to land management plans and project development outside the scope of NEPA. It will identify sources for best practices, available data and tools, best management practices, and laws and requirements relevant to the protection of migratory birds and their habitats. This guidance reflects the recommendations of the Council for the Conservation of Migratory Birds on how to complete meaningful reviews that strive to reduce impacts to migratory birds and the habitats on which they depend for survival. It does not, however, replace or subsume relevant laws, regulations, Executive Orders (EO) or Memoranda of Understanding (MOU).
The guidance is intended for the following audiences to provide information on how bird conservation can be incorporated into NEPA and other environmental reviews to reduce impacts to migratory birds and their habitats.
- Federal agencies and personnel including biologists, review staff, decision-makers and NEPA/ESA compliance specialists;
- State agencies, personnel and project proponents with actions that result in take of migratory birds;
- Industry representatives, personnel and project proponents with actions that result in take of migratory birds; and
- Environmental groups and public stakeholders who are interested in learning more about managing project-related impacts to migratory birds.
The information provided in this guidance is and will be subject to change based on new laws, policies, regulations or other legal requirements enacted after completion.