Many agencies and organizations may have bird survey datasets they collect, but are lacking the resources to maintain them. The AKN is the ideal place to house your data, because it offers a number of data sharing tools and options that facilitate data sharing. To view these options, as well as information about how to get started with sharing your data, include a number of short video tutorial on the data sharing tools, please visit the Upload, Enter and Manage Your Data page of the AKN.
There a many benefits to putting your data into the AKN system. AKN houses many other datasets and has the ability to aggregate them to enhance the robustness of an analysis, or do larger, landscape level analysis. In addition, AKN offers those that put data in the AKN some basic analysis tools they can use with their data when they establish and account. The AKN toolbox is also improving all the time, and data owners reap the benefits of these improvements.
Learn more about the data in AKN, the data sharing tools, and the benefits of sharing your data on the About the AKN Data webpage.