We are so fortunate to connect with many active partnerships working tirelessly on bird conservation and management efforts throughout the Midwest region. Learn more and find a community you would like to join today:
Upper Mississippi/Great Lakes Joint Venture: our mission is to deliver the full spectrum of bird conservation through regionally based, biologically driven, landscape-oriented partnerships.
Central Hardwoods Joint Venture: a partnership of state, federal, and non-for-profit wildlife conservation agencies and organizations that work together to insure the long-term viability of native bird populations across the Central Hardwoods Bird Conservation Region.
Prairie Pothole Joint Venture: our mission is to implement conservation programs that sustain populations of waterfowl, shorebirds, other waterbirds and prairie landbirds at objective levels through targeted wetland and grassland protection, restoration and enhancement programs.
Missouri Bird Conservation Initiative: a partnership of organizations that "get excited about birds," care about bird conservation, and/or have formal legal responsibilities for bird conservation.
Ohio Bird Conservation Initiative: a collaboration of non-profit groups, businesses, state and federal government agencies, and citizens that are participating in or are interested in bird conservation for the state of Ohio.
Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative: a cooperative partnership to deliver the full spectrum of of bird conservation emphasizing voluntary stewardship.
Avian Knowledge Network: a partnership of people, institutions and government agencies supporting the conservation of birds and their habitats based on data, the adaptive management paradigm, and the best available science.